100 infinitive verbs in English

English has a number of different types of verbs. Some show action, while others function as nouns, adjectives or adverbs.

Infinitive verbs are non-finite verb forms that resemble finite verbs in form, but do not have a subject or tense. They are not inflected for tense, person, or number, but may be marked for grammatical categories like voice, aspect and to some extent tense.

1. To do

In English, infinitive verbs are a special type of verb that can function as nouns, adjectives and adverbs. They can also be used in phrasal phrases (phrases containing a preposition and a verb).

Infinitives are one of the most important forms of verbs, because they can express so many different things. They can be used to talk about actions, states of being and feelings.

They are also useful for explaining meaning. Adjectives are a common way to tell what something is, but they often need infinitive verbs to complete their meaning.

Some adjectives, such as “too,” “enough” and “a lot”, don’t require an infinitive, but others do. You can tell if an adjective needs to be followed by an infinitive by reading the sentence carefully.

It’s also important to know that there are two kinds of infinitives: full infinitives and bare infinitives. Bare infinitives are formed by using the base form of a verb without the word to before it. This can be confusing, but thankfully they are less common than full infinitives.

To infinitives, also known as full infinitives, are the most commonly used form of the verb. They are formed by including the word to before a bare infinitive, and they can also be formed after some modal verbs like can, may, might, could, should, would, and must.

They are often used to express motivation for action. For example, I should leave now to avoid rush hour traffic.

Some people prefer to use the infinitive “in order to.” This is a good choice when you want to emphasize a reason for an action, but it can also make a sentence sound more highbrow. It’s not a good idea to use “in order to” if you are writing for an audience that might find it unnatural or unrefined.

Lastly, infinitives can be split in some instances. This is especially true in informal writing, such as email and social media, but it’s a practice that’s not usually seen in formal writing.

Split infinitives occur when an adverb is included between to and the bare infinitive. Some teachers, however, consider them an error. If you have this kind of teacher, it’s better to not split infinitives. But if you can’t avoid it and you think it will enhance the effectiveness of your writing, then go ahead and do it.

2. To be

Infinitive verbs are a group of English words that describe an action or state of being. They come in many forms and have different grammatical functions, including regular and irregular verbs, auxiliary verbs, linking verbs, passive and active verbs, and so on.

They can also be in bare infinitive form, without the preceding “to.” These are sometimes called full infinitives or zero infinitives.

These verbs do not have tense, although they can have a grammatical aspect (see below). However, these are the most common form of the infinitive.

The most important thing to remember about infinitives is that they are essentially the base form of a verb with the word “to” in front of it. You can’t use these verbs as the subject of a sentence, but you can use them in other ways.

Another important aspect of infinitives is that they can act as adverbs, adjectives, or as part of a noun phrase. You can also split them, separating the verb from the particle “to” and using an adverb between them to modify or enhance the infinitive phrase.

One way to know whether an infinitive is acting as a noun, adverb, or an adjective is to look at the root of the verb. Some verbs have a base form that doesn’t need the preposition “to” in front of it, such as dream, discover, describe, and eat.

Some other verbs have a base form that does need the preposition “to” in front, such as hope and wish. You can always try to use the base form of a verb in its basic form, but you will probably not be able to do this very often.

The best way to learn about infinitives is by practicing. Pick up a book and try to notice when you see infinitives in the text.

You can also practice by watching videos and listening to audiobooks in English. The more you practice, the better you will be at recognizing infinitives. This is one of the most important parts of learning English, so be sure to spend time at it!

3. To have

Infinitive verbs are one of the most important types of verbs in English. They have a wide range of uses and can help us understand how people think, feel and behave. They also vary in form and grammatical functions, including verb forms that allow you to express voice, tense and person.

Infinitives are a type of verb that can be used to form a noun, an adverb or an adjective (see the grammar guides for these). You can use infinitives with any verb.

They are especially useful when you want to talk about an action or state of being in the past, present or future. Infinitives are also helpful for asking questions or giving advice, as they can be used as a way of saying how something is done, rather than the specific act itself.

There are three main kinds of infinitives: full, bare and split.

A full infinitive is the most common form of an infinitive, and it typically expresses motivation for an action or state of being. This form of an infinitive usually comes before a prepositional phrase, such as “in order to.”

Bare infinitives are less common, and they form without the word “to” before the base verb. This can make them confusing, so bare infinitives are generally not used when you’re talking about a verb that has a verb form after it (like the base form of “to eat”).

When using an infinitive after modal verbs, such as could and must, you don’t need to include to. Modal verbs are often used to describe future events, so using to to express the action that happened in the past doesn’t make sense.

Unlike other non-finite verbs like gerunds and present participles, infinitives are never conjugated with “-ing” or other endings.

They are also not normally marked for grammatical categories such as voice, tense or person. This is because they are not finite, but are instead verb phrases that take objects and other complements and modifiers.

Infinitives can also be a part of non-finite clauses, like converbs and participles, that do not have an expressed subject. This can lead to some confusion, but it is actually a very important feature of verbs in English.

4. To do something

Infinitive verbs are a type of non-finite verb that can be used in a sentence, but they never become the main verb. They are similar to gerunds and present participles.

They look like the simple present form of a verb without the “to” in front, and they are conjugated with -ed or -ing at the end when they are used as verbs. They are also known as bare infinitives because they do not have to have the word “to” in front.

If you add the word “to” before a bare infinitive, it becomes a full infinitive. This type of infinitive is often used when you want to talk about an action in general instead of a specific occurrence.

You can also use a full infinitive as an object of a verb. For example, you could say, “Jack built a metal detector in order to find gold nuggets.”

In addition, you can use a full infinitive as an indirect object of a verb. For example, in the above sentence, you can say, “Jack built a metal Detector in order to find gold nuggets.”

The reason that this type of infinitive is so common is because it can be combined with other auxiliary verbs to express idiomatic meanings. You can see this in the English verb ‘to get’, which is extremely versatile.

One advantage of using a full infinitive is that it makes your sentence sound more natural and precise. The other advantage is that it demonstrates your motivation for the action.

Another important thing to remember is that you can sometimes combine an infinitive with a preposition to express a modal meaning, such as should or might. This is a very useful tool when you’re writing about a topic that requires an opinion or explanation.

Infinitives are also often used as direct objects and subjects. They can also act as subject complements if they follow a linking verb. They can also be used as adjectives or adverbs. To learn more about infinitives, read the article on verbs.

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