A Textbook of Electrical Technology Volume 1 Basic Electrical Engineering

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About te book :

A Textbook of Electrical Technology: Volume 1” elaborately covers all the fundamental ideas of Electrical Engineering. The e book discusses and explains varied theories associated to electrical engineering starting from electrical circuits to capacitors and several types of AC Circuits. The e book additionally explains ideas of Harmonics and Fourier collection. The chapters consist of varied workouts, examples and a number of illustrations that support in understanding the topic higher. A e book which has seen, foreseen and integrated modifications within the topic for greater than 50 years, it continues to be one of the wanted texts by the studen Options: 1. Aptly divided in 24 chapters, the textual content covers all primary ideas of Electrical Engineering. 2. Near 2000 figures and examples present ample support to the ideas defined. 3. Greater than 900 observe questions (most requested in varied examinations) confirm the extent of understanding of ideas. TOC : 1. Electrical Present and Ohm’s Regulation 2. D.C. Community Theorems 3. Work, Energy and Vitality 4. Electrostatics 5. Capacitance 6. Magnetism and Electromagnetism 7. Electromagnetic Induction 8. Magnetic Hysteresis 9. Electrochemical Energy Sources 10. Electrical Devices and Measurements 11. A.C. Fundamentals 12. Complicated Numbers 13. Sequence A.C. Circuits 14. Parallel A.C. Circuits 15. A.C. Community Evaluation 16. A.C. Bridges 17. A.C. Filter Networks 18. Circle Diagrams 19. Polyphase Circuits 20. Harmonics 21. Fourier Sequence 22. Transients 23. Symmetrical Parts 24. Introduction to Electrical Vitality Era


  1. Electrical Present and Ohm’s Regulation

Electron Drift Velocity—Cost Velocity and Velocity of
Area Propagation—The Concept of Electrical Potential—
Resistance—Unit of Resistance—Regulation of Resistance—Items
of Resistivity—Conductance and Conductivity—Impact of
Temperature on Resistance—Temperature Coefficient of
Resistance—Worth of a at Completely different Temperatures—
Variation of Resistivity with Temperature—Ohm’s Regulation—
Resistance in Collection—Voltage Divider Rule—Resistance
in Parallel—Varieties of Resistors—Nonlinear Resistors—
Varistor—Brief and Open Circuits—‘Shorts’ in a Collection
Circuit—‘Opens’ in Collection Circuit—‘Open’s in a Parallel
Circuit—‘Shorts’ in Parallel Circuits—Division of Present
in Parallel Circuits—Equal Resistance—Duality
Between Collection and Parallel Circuits—Relative Potential—
Voltage Divider Circuits—Goal Assessments.

  1. DC Community Theorems

Electrical Circuits and Community Theorems—Kirchhoff’s
Legal guidelines—Dedication of Voltage Signal—Assumed Route
of Present—Fixing Simultaneous Equations—
Determinants—Fixing Equations with Two Unknowns—
Fixing Equations With Three Unknowns—Unbiased
and Dependent Sources —Maxwell’s Loop Present
Methodology—Mesh Evaluation Utilizing Matrix Type—Nodal
Evaluation with Voltage Sources—Nodal Evaluation with
Present Sources—Supply Conversion—Splendid ConstantVoltage Supply—Splendid Fixed-Present Supply—
Superposition Theorem—Thevenin Theorem—How you can
Thevenize a Given Circuit ?—Basic Directions for
Discovering Thevenin Equal Circuit—Reciprocity
Theorem—Delta/Star Transformation—Star/Delta
Transformation—Compensation Theorem—Norton’s
Theorem—How you can Nortanize a Given Circuit ?—Basic
Directions for Discovering Norton Equal Circuit—
Millman’s Theorem—Generalised Type of Millman’s
Theorem—Most Energy Switch Theorem—Energy
Switch Effectivity—Goal Assessments.

  1. Work, Energy and Power

Impact of Electrical Present—Joule’s Regulation of Electrical Heating—Thermal Effectivity—S-I. Items—Calculation of
Kilo-watt Energy of a Hydroelectric Station—Goal

  1. Electrostatics

Static Electrical energy—Absolute and Relative Permittivity of a
Medium—Legal guidelines of Electrostatics—Electrical Area—
Electrostatic Induction—Electrical Flux and Faraday Tubes—
—Area Power or Area Depth or Electrical Depth (E)—
Electrical Flux Density or Electrical Displacement D—Gauss
Regulation—The Equations of Poisson and Laplace—Electrical
Potential and Power—Potential and Potential Distinction—
Potential at a Level—Potential of a Charged Sphere—
Equipotential Surfaces—Potential and Electrical Depth
Inside a Conducting Sphere—Potential Gradient—
Breakdown Voltage and Dielectric Power—Security Issue
of Dielectric—Boundary Circumstances—Goal Assessments.

  1. Capacitance

Capacitor—Capacitance—Capacitance of an Remoted
Sphere—Spherical Capacitor — Parallel-plate Capacitor—
Particular Circumstances of Parallel-plate Capacitor—A number of and
Variable Capacitors—Cylindrical Capacitor—Potential
Gradient in Cylindrical Capacitor—Capacitance Between
two Parallel Wires—Capacitors in Collection—Capacitors in
Parallel—Cylindrical Capacitor with Compound
Dielectric—Insulation Resistance of a Cable Capacitor—
Power Saved in a Capacitor—Power of Attraction Between
Oppositely-charged Plates—Present-Voltage Relationships
in a Capacitor—Charging of a Capacitor—Time Fixed—
Discharging of a Capacitor—Transient Relations throughout
Capacitor Charging Cycle—Transient Relations throughout
Capacitor Discharging Cycle—Charging and Discharging
of a Capacitor with Preliminary Cost—Goal Assessments.

  1. Magnetism and Electromagnetism

Absolute and Relative Permeabilities of a Medium—Legal guidelines
of Magnetic Power—Magnetic Area Power (H)—Magnetic
Potential—Flux per Unit Pole—Flux Density (B)——
Absolute Parmeability (m) and Relative Permeability (mr
Depth of Magnetisation (I)—Susceptibility (Okay)—Relation
Between B, H, I and Okay—Boundary Circumstances—Weber
and Ewing’s Molecular Idea—Curie Level. Power on a
Present-carrying Conductor Mendacity in a Magnetic Area—
Ampere’s Work Regulation or Ampere’s Circuital Regulation—BiotSavart Regulation—Utility of Biot—Savart Regulation—Power
Between two Parallel Conductors—Magnitude of Mutual
Power—Definition of Ampere—Magnetic Circuit—
Definitions—Composite Collection Magnetic Circuit—How
to Discover Ampere-turns ?—Comparability Between Magnetic
and Electrical Circuits—Parallel Magnetic Circuits—Collection-
Parallel Magnetic Circuits—Leakage Flux and Hopkinson’s
Leakage Coefficient—Magnetisation Curves—
Magnetisation curves by Ballistic Galvanometer—
Magnetisation Curves by Fluxmete—Goal Assessments.

  1. Electromagnetic Induction

Relation Between Magnetism and Electrical energy—Manufacturing
of Induced E.M.F. and Present—Faraday’s Legal guidelines of
Electromagnetic Induction—Route of Induced E.M.F.
and Present—Lenz’s Regulation—Induced E.M.F.—Dynamicallyinduced E.M.F.—Statically-induced E.M.F.—SelfInductance—Coefficient of Self-Inductance (L)—Mutual
Inductance—Coefficient of Mutual Inductance (M)—
Coefficient of Coupling—Inductances in Collection—
Inductances in Parallel—Goal Assessments.

  1. Magnetic Hysteresis

Magnetic Hysteresis—Space of Hysteresis Loop—Properties
and Utility of Ferromagnetic Supplies—Everlasting
Magnet Supplies—Steinmetz Hysteresis Regulation—Power
Saved in Magnetic Area—Charge of Change of Saved
Power—Power Saved per Unit Quantity—Lifting Energy
of Magnet—Rise of Present in Inductive Circuit—Decay of
Present in Inductive Circuit—Particulars of Transient Present
Rise in R-L Circuit—Particulars of Transient Present Decay in
R-L Circuit—Vehicle Ignition System—Goal Assessments.

  1. Electrochemical Energy Sources

Faraday’s Legal guidelines of electrolysis—Polarisation or Again
e.m.f.—Worth of Again e.m.f.—Major and Secondary
Batteries—Classification of Secondary Batteries base
on their Use—Classification of Lead Storage Batteries—
Components of a Lead-acid Battery—Energetic Supplies of Leadacid Cells—Chemical Adjustments—Formation of Plates
of Lead-acid Cells—Plante Course of—Construction of Plante
Plates—Faure Course of—Constructive Pasted Plates—Unfavorable
Pasted Plates—Construction of Faure Plates—Comparability
: Plante and Faure Plates—Inner Resistance and
Capability of a Cell—Two Efficiencies of the Cell—
Electrical Traits of the Lead-acid Cell—Battery
Scores—Indications of a Absolutely-Charged Cell—Utility
of Lead-acid Batteries—Voltage Regulators—Finish-cell
Management System—Variety of Finish-cells—Charging
Methods—Fixed-current System-Fixed-voltage
System—Trickle Charging—Sulphation-Causes and Remedy—
Upkeep of Lead-acid Cells—Mains operated Battery
Chargers—Automobile Battery Charger—Vehicle Battery


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